Troop Adventure Camp

Troop Adventure Camp

Troop Adventure Camp (TAC) is a progressive camping experience where troops choose their activities and adventures at Camp Stonybrook and Camp Libbey. Whether this is your first troop camp experience or you’ve been doing this for years, TAC is right for you!

Enjoy making crafts, hiking, swimming, creeking, outdoor living skills, building teamwork at our low challenge course (fourth grade and above) or working on badge or Girl Scout Journey activities. If you’ve been to TAC a few times, try an adventure trip to enhance your session.

TAC is open girls in grade levels K-9, troops must have a minimum of 5 girls and 2 adults attend. For more information on TAC polices see drop down menus below.

Registration is Coming February 19

We've gone paperless! Registration looks different this year; there's an easy-to-use online form instead of a paper form. 

Online registration opens on Wednesday, February 19, at 6 a.m.

If you have questions, contact the Customer Care Team by phone at 888.350.5090 or by email!

P.S. Have Digital Dough? You can use it to help cover the cost of camp—once you've registered and paid the deposit!

Troop Adventure Camp Opportunities

For girls currently in Grades K-9.

More Information on Troop Adventure Camp