Counselor-in-Training I
Currently in grades 8 - 11
6 days | $280
This opportunity is for girls who are ready to begin exploring the pathway to camp leadership. Topics covered in training include: introduction to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, age and social characteristics of younger campers, essential skills needed to be a great counselor, and how to lead songs and games. CIT I’s will spend nights in their own unit and receive ongoing supervision and leadership guidance from the CIT Director, while building teamwork skills, and observing unit staff. Girls will work towards their CIT pin. NEW this year: During this program, campers will earn their American Red Cross First Aid/CPR Certification.
Camp Libbey | Jun 8 - 13
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Camp Whip Poor Will | Jul 6 - 11
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Counselor-in-Training II
Currently in grades 9 - 11
10 - 12 days | $320
This two-week opportunity is for the aspiring camp counselor who has already completed CIT I. CIT II participants will spend nights in their own unit and receive ongoing supervision and leadership guidance from the CIT Director while learning the skills needed to be an outstanding camp counselor during the day. CIT II‘s will experience the challenges and rewards of working with younger girls through training that includes application of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, exploring the various leadership styles, learning positive behavior techniques, age and social characteristics, and overnight camp skills. Participants will have an opportunity to observe unit and program staff, evaluate experiences, and receive guidance from the CIT Director as they assist in units, building up to spending an entire day with their assigned unit. Prerequisite: CIT I. Girls will earn their CIT II pin. Girls will go home on the weekends between their two weeks.
Camp Libbey | Jun 15 - 27 (Girls will go home the weekend of June 21)
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Camp Whip Poor Will | Jul 20 - Aug 1 (Girls will go home the weekend of Jul 26)
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